San Antonio homeowners again have an opportunity to benefit from the Adult Continuing Education programs offered by the NEISD. The fall classes are getting underway. Sign up now at
or call (210) 407-0140, option 3
This year, homeowners who want to learn from Fred Buck, one of San Antonio’s most experienced Home Inspectors have an opportunity to benefit from Fred’s decades long experience as a Master Plumber, Professional Real Estate Inspector and Instructor. Fred’s skills as a Professional Real Estate Inspector (AKA: Home Inspector) have saved San Antonio Home Buyers millions of dollars. His ability to understand, locate, identify and explain defects in a home has resulted in thousands of homebuyers being able to save $$ when buying a home. Now there is an opportunity to learn from Fred whether you are thinking about buying a home, selling a home, or simply want to learn more about the home you already own.
Homeowners and Homebuyers are invited to attend any or all of Fred’s classes.
These NEISD classes are offered (excerpted from the NEISD ‘Live & Learn Catalog of Fall Classes’), are as follows:
• PLUMBING BASICS… Whether your faucets are leaking or you just want to make sure they don’t, this class will work for you. Learn about basic plumbing layout, sink installation, toilet repair and servicing and opening drains. Also, find out about bathroom and kitchen fixtures from Fred Buck, a licensed Master Plumber. You can have peace of mind and handle whatever comes up, or won’t go down!
Johnson High School
Rm. G103, 1 Session(s), Tues.,
Beg. September 18, 6:30 – 9:00 PM, $29.00
• Package Your Home to Sell…Find out what to look for when you are selling a home. Avoid expensive surprises in the process. Property conditions and repairs can be considered when you know what needs to be fixed. Fred Buck will share over 30 years of home inspection experience to help home sellers understand how to evaluate property conditions and sell their home faster.
Churchill High School,
Rm. A102, 1 Session(s), Thurs.,
Beg. September 27th, 6:30 – 9:00 PM, $29.00
New! Don’t Build a New Home Until You Take This Class
• Find out what to look for when you build your new home. Be able to identify property conditions during construction that can be corrected before it’s too late. The October 16 class will be held at Johnson High School and the October 23 class will be held on location (TBA) at an actual home site. Instructor Fred Buck, professional home inspector with 30 years experience, will provide useful and practical advice. He will share ways to communicate concerns to contractors to get your home built right. You don’t want to move into a new home and find that repairs are needed.
Johnson High School,
Rm. G105, 2 Week(s) (2 Sessions), Tue.,
Beg. October 16, 6:30 – 9:00 PM, $43.00
Fred Buck, with King Inspections Inc. of San Antonio has been protecting San Antonio and surrounding area homebuyers for 30 years. Take advantage of his vast knowledge and abilities to accurately describe expensive defects commonly found in new home construction and those encountered in pre-owned homes.